Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your career to date?
My name is Bruce Stevenson and I qualified in 1986 from Onderstepoort vet school in South Africa. I have always had an interest in business and have run a few different businesses including my own veterinary hospital for many years. I enjoy all aspects of being a general veterinary practitioner but have a keen interest in geriatric medicine. I love improving the quality of life of our older “furry children.”
What challenges you the most about being a vet?
I think the biggest challenge for a vet that is poorly understood by most non-vets is the huge emotional roller coaster that we deal with on a day to day and hour to hour basis. One minute you are happy and celebrating the arrival of a new puppy or kitten into a family & then the next thing you have to help and support the heartbreak & bereavement of saying goodbye to a beloved family member. An hour later you are dealing with HR issues & later still with financial issues of clients &/or the practice. All of this is done while providing the highest standards of medical care.
What excites you most about veterinary medicine?
This is an easy one. It is simply the fact that I have the power and ability to positively influence lives on a daily basis: To truly make a difference in other’s lives
Why did you choose Village Vet?
I have worked for many companies in my 31 years as a vet and have chosen to come back to Village Vet as I find it provides me with the best facilities, equipment and support to allow me to be the best veterinarian that I can be while working together with amazing vets and nurses.
At your practice, what are some of the most common preventable ailments that you come across and can you provide us 3 top tips in relation to them for pet parents?
Probably my most heartbreaking one is pyometra (life changing infections of the uterus). What makes it really sad is that it is EASILY preventable by spaying/neutering. It really is simple – if you are not going to breed then sterilise.
Second would be preventative health care. Vaccination, flea & worming: Village vet has an awesome Pet Health for Life making it easy & affordable so no excuses.
Lastly is nutrition. Feed the best quality food you can afford & feed the right amount to control your pet’s weight! Obesity is not only a human problem, it affects cats & dogs just as bad and can be prevented.
What advice would you give to future veterinarians who are thinking about a career in veterinary medicine?
Being a veterinarian is NOT a job…. it is a WAY OF LIFE. You live as a vet, not go to work to do vet stuff. It is one of the toughest yet greatest professions in the world.