Interview with Deanna Cobb


In this ongoing series, we are interviewing the staff that makes Village Vet the preferred veterinary provider in your local community.

This interview is with Deanna Cobb who works in the reception team in Cottenham.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to work for Village Vet

We moved from the US a little over a year ago due to my husband’s job. Once our girls were grown and out of the house, I decided it was time to figure out what I wanted to do. Before we left Colorado I was training to be a Vet Tech (Nurse) at a wonderful clinic and discovered that I really loved it. I was learning so much and hope to continue to pursue that avenue when we go back. I knew that continuing my training in the UK wouldn’t be ideal since we are only here for a relatively short period of time, but I wanted to continue to be involved with animals.

2. What do you most enjoy about your role?

I really enjoy the interaction with the patients and clients. I am still learning a lot even though it’s not as hands-on as I was used to.

3. What’s a typical day like for you?

My typical day consists of answering phone calls and assisting clients when they arrive at the practice.

4. Why did you choose Village Vet?

When I did my working interview at Village Vet Cottenham, I just knew that was where I wanted to be.

5. Aside from puppies and kittens, there must be hard days too – tell us about any challenges in the day

When I don’t have the answers that owners want or need can pose a challenge. Also knowing when someone has to say goodbye to their much-loved pet is never easy.

6. Tell us about your own pet

My old man, Snoop, is a nearly 12-year-old Beagle that we rescued 10+ years ago when we lived in California. He has made a few moves, to the UK obviously being the biggest. He really enjoyed the snow in Colorado though. He still runs with me on a regular basis, just not quite as fast or far as he used to. His nose usually leads our daily adventures, when it isn’t getting him into mischief.